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商标代理委托书                   Power  of  attorney



/我公司                               I/We,                         , a

       国籍,依        法律组成。现     citizen/corporation organized and existing under

委托 杭州杭诚商标事务所有限公司 在中华  the laws of         , hereby entrust Hangzhou

人民共和国代理            商标如下事宜: HANG CHENG Trademark Attorney Office to act

                                        trademark       as my/our agent in P.R.C. for:

□ 商标注册申请                              □ application for registration

□ 商标异议申请                               application for opposition

□ 变更注册人名义/地址/其他注册事项         modification of name/address of registrant//other matter

□ 删减商品/服务项目申请                      deletion or decrease of goods and services

□ 变更商标代理人                            modification of attorney

□ 更正商标申请/注册事项申请                 correction of particulars

                       for trademark application/


□ 转让申请/注册商标                         registration of assignment

□ 商标续展注册申请                          renewal of registration

□ 撤销连续三年停止使用注册商标的申请         cancellation of non-use trade

                                                mark by three years

□ 商标注销申请                             application for cancellation of registration

□ 注册人死亡/终止注销商标申请           application for cancellation of registration for death /cease of operation

□补发变更/转让/续展证明申请                 application for reissue of

certificate for modification


□ 补发商标注册证申请                         reissue of registration


□ 提供商标注册证明申请                       application for a certified copy of registration

□ 提供优先权证明文件申请                     offering single conventional


□ 商标使用许可合同备案申请                   application for record of license contract

□ 商标使用许可合同备案变更/提前终止申请      application for modification

/termination of recorded of recorded license contract

□ 商标专用权质押登记                         application for record of pledged

                                                exclusive right of trademark

□ 撤回商标注册申请                          withdrawal of pending application

□ 撤回商标异议申请                         withdrawal of pending application for opposition

□ 商标评审事宜                             trademark review and adjudication matters

□ 其他                                      for other matters







委托人:                                   Name:


地址:                                     Adress:


日期:                                     Date:




签章:                                     Signature and Title:




版权所有:杭州杭诚专利事务所有限公司 地址:杭州市上城区西湖大道35号万新大厦一号楼5楼 联系电话:4006177068 浙ICP备17055842号-1